December 21, 2005

Gospel of Power or just of talk

Paul says in Corinthians that the Kingdom of God is one of power not just of talk. He also says in Thessalonians that the Gospel came to them not just with words but also with power. I see things here that are different and I wonder, have we reduced the Gospel to one of just talk in our own North American culture. I have no answers, only thoughts, but something seems different between some of the "Gospel" presentations at home and the Gospel that I see being spread here.


Kris Gowdy said...

Yeah Josh, we present the Gospel here but seldom share that there is the power to accomplish change in our lives and that we should be living a powerful life as well. God's Word is himself. When he speaks there is action, power, life.

Kris Gowdy said...
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Lor & Josh said...

i think it's Christmas day for you right now, so, Merry Christmas Josh!

jen said...

Merry Christmas, Josh!