January 17, 2006


The shepherd left the 99 to go seek for that 1. Reckless passion. A love so deep. The 99 were safe with the shepherd, and when he left, they were still safe… but that one sheep. It was alone, it was helpless, it was lost. It was in ultimate danger, danger of never returning, danger of its very life. The shepherd understood. He knew what was at risk. He knew what was important…the one sheep.
There are three billion sheep in the world that don’t even know they have a shepherd looking for them. That has changed my heart, and will forever change my life.


Chris Massie said...

Wow! Thanks for speaking truth in new ways!

Kris Gowdy said...

You're a pastor!

Lor & Josh said...

it seems you are truly living out the life of Christ where you are; you see the need and answer with His love. That both makes me jealous and inspires me. I too often see only MY need and answer with selfishness. I want to reach the 99 sheep, but feel like I'M the wayward one the Shepherd has to keep rescuing! :) I'm glad He's a patient shepherd. Keep up the truth posting!

Warrior said...

please don't forget the 1 sheep. There is a lot of rejoicing when he returns.