July 26, 2006

Smoking is FUN!!!! YEAH!!!!

When I first saw this billboard I instantly thought of smoking. The box looks like boxes we have in America. Mind you I didn't see the part that says 'Golden Tea', because I was laughing to hard at that point. But then again, maybe they could use the same kid on a smoking billboard. It kinda makes me want to smoke...


Elizabeth said...

Too funny, and nice to see you post again. You've been missed

His Beloved said...

hahahahahahahaha!!! that's very funny! i laughed right out loud! although i've never in my life seen a child THAT excited about tea!!

Billings said...

I won't lie, that is some funny stuff.

Paul said...

I recommend taking up smoking...you could be the first in a revival of smokers. I mean really, as more and more laws come down banning smoking from more places it seems like the trend is dying. So they need some fresh blood...or at least some fresh lungs.